Provostry of Bozen

The Library

The origins of the Provost`s Library can be traced back to the late middle ages. In a parish church inventory from 1477 in addition to jewels, monstrance and chasuble manuscripts printed books are also mentioned. They are mostly liturgical works some of which still exist today.
The 16th Century Collection is surprisingly comprehensive. Most of these cinquecentine can be traced to the addition by purchase of a library created by the Bavarian archivist and humanist Erasmus Fend [or Vendius]. The intensive altercation with the reform and counter-reform intellectual movements of the time, which is verified through the presence of the principle works of the major protagonists, is remarkable.
In the 18th century it was, above all, the “Kollegiatsift” [Collegiate Chapter] founded in 1716 whose members greatly increased the number of volumes. The Provost of the time Graf Josef von Sarnthein, who ensured the continual expansion of the library through private means, should be mentioned.
In total the library consists of a stock of 10,000 volumes dating from the 15th to the 19th century and is therefore one of the largest of the small parish libraries.

Rainhard Domanegg – Hans Kienzl, Die Propsteibibliothek Bozen, Brixen 2008



Library of the Provostry of Bozen
Pfarrplatz 27
I-39100 Bozen

Reference Person: Mrs. Traudl Streiter
Phone: [+39] 0471 978676

Library Structure